Why - This song represents the beginning of most people'sjourneywithGodwhich involves curiosity and asking questions.
SeekingGod's Design - This song represents wanting more ofGodand trying to understandGod's Word and Will.
Say Yeah - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneysaying yes toGodand deciding to following Jesus.
I Be Like - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they're struggling with their own desires and are still maturing spiritually.
You Save MeGod- This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they realize how steadfast and patientGod's love is for them.
Confident In You - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they realize thatGodis faithful and trustworthy.
I Can Do Anything - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they truly believe that withGodall things are possible.
About OurGod- This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they realize that although we make our plans it isGodthat directs our paths.
Honestly - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhen they realizeGod's way is better than their way and they chooseGod's way.
Forever - This song represents the part of a Christian'sjourneywhere they become more intimate withGodand with greater expectancy of eternal life.
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